
Think BIG!

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  • Photography is all about the details. Larger monitors give you a better perspective on your images.

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    LCD Camera Avoiding exposure errors is just as important as making sure your subject looks good. With a bigger LCD monitor, you’ll get a better view of an image’s histogram so you can judge exposure settings more accurately. You’ll also get a clearer look at “blinkies,” which many cameras can display to warn of blown-out highlights or lost shadow details.

    One of the greatest things about a digital camera, though, is its ability to show a picture to your friends right after you’ve taken it. It’s much more fun to share your pictures with them on a big LCD, where they can really see and enjoy it, than on a cramped little one.

    Apple MonitorsLCD Computer Monitors
    Not that long ago, a 20-inch monitor was a rarity seen only on the desk of a heavy-duty graphic artist. Now, advanced LCD monitors have done away with those bulky and expensive CRT models, bringing the advantages of a big screen within your reach.

    A big monitor will change the way you work with images, making it much more fun and efficient. There’s no denying the extra impact your pictures have when they appear large on a big screen, and everything from family snapshots to your latest Photoshop project will look that much better. If you’re used to an older CRT monitor, you’ll also notice that LCD displays provide much sharper, clearer images—and they’re free of the flicker that can cause eyestrain.

    When you work on your photos in image-editing software, you’ll have enough space to move your palettes off to the side, where they’re out of the way. All of the monitors here will give you plenty of room, even when you’re working on a horizontal, 8x10-inch image at print size. You also can stop guessing what your enlargements will look like. Using the full screen, most of the monitors here can show you an entire horizontal, 11x14-inch photo at print size.

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